1) Introduction
The book "Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod has
transformed the way many individuals approach their mornings. This blog post is
a follow-up on the previous post about the morning routine. The use of this
post is to give you a full morning routine designed by Hal Elrod. He
made this morning routine by interviewing the most succesful people in the
world and observing their habits to combine them all-in one morning routine
called the Miracle Morning. In this post, we will thus explore the Miracle
Morning itself and the benefits of it.
2) The Miracle Morning routine
The Miracle Morning routine is composed of six components
abbreviated as SAVERS: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise,
Reading, and Scribing. These components work together to help individuals start
their day on a positive and productive note. I practice all of these myself and
will first give a general explenation of the SAVERS and then show how I
practice it.
1. Silence involves practicing meditation,
prayer, or deep breathing exercises. I personally do meditation directly when I
wake up by sitting straight in my bed. What helped me a lot is to inhale and think
“silence”, exhale and then smile. This smile is crucial because it already sets
you in a better mood. I do this for 5 minutes.
2. Affirmations are positive statements that affirm
personal beliefs and goals. I am going to introduce you to the power of affirmations
by an experiment done by Dr. Lisa Legault, a psychology professor at
Clarkon University in New York. She had two groups of students where one group
said affirmations to themselves for 5 minutes before the exam such as “I am a
good student” and “I am going to make it!”. This group of students scored
significantly higher than the group who didn’t. Regrettably, she didn’t give an
exact number. I use this by using the app called “Miracle Morning”. You can
find all the SAVERS in there and tips on how to perform them. Hal Elrod has put
his 60 affirmations from there and I have taken 10 from them to say after my reading.
It takes only 1 minute. A summary of my morning routine you will find after the
3. Visualization involves creating mental images of
desired outcomes. The goal of this is to close your eyes and visualize where
you want to be in life. This can for example be that you want to advance in
your carreer but certainly also for example visualizing yourself as a guitarist
in front of a large audience or finishing first in a cycling race. I admit this
can be a bit harder to implement certainly at first but if you do it each day
for 1 minute after your affirmations, you will find it easier to visualize
4. Exercise can be for example jogging or doing a workout
to get your hearth rate up. This is probably the most important of them
all according to me because getting your hearth rate up is crucial in the
morning for your mental and physical health confirmed by numerous studies. I
personally go jogging for 3km (1,86 miles) after doing a bit of work after my
5. Reading involves consuming motivational or
inspirational material. Reading can help you a lot to feel inspired
as you are doing right now. To feel inspired, it is best to read non-fiction
books but you can also start by reading your favorite fiction books where I am
sure you also learn lessons from! I do this for 10 minutes after my meditation.
6. Scribing involves journaling or writing about
one's thoughts and feelings. By incorporating each of these components into
their morning routine, individuals can set the tone for a successful day.
According to me, there are two main methods on how to do this: using prompts
or freestyling. Prompts I use are for example: “How am I feeling right
now and why?” “What are 3 things you are grateful?” and “What is my highlight
of the day”. But if you are a bit more creative, you can write what comes to
your mind at that moment. I do this for 5-10 minutes after my jogging while
eating my breakfast. A more detailed guide on how to do journalling you will
find in a later blog.
3) My complete Morning routine
I am going to give you my full morning routine. I am not
saying that you need to copy my morning routine completely but it can helpfull
to build your own. It is important that you are not perfectionistic
when building it, starting out small and being patient is the key to maintain
your morning routine.
I wake up to an alarm using Mornify which gradually wakes
you up by a song. I do this because a loud alarm sound will already put you in
a bad mood. After my alarm goes off, I go sit in my bed and meditate for 5
minutes. Then I will drink a glass of water and set my window open to get some
fresh air. Drinking a glass of water is an indispensable step because your body
is dehydrated after a full night of sleep. After that, I will read a book about
personal development such as the Miracle Morning (I am currently reading The
art of People) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, I will work for school for around
60-90 minutes. Then I go for a run of 3km (1,86 miles) and take a cold shower
afterwards. Lastly, I eat a shake made with berries, avocado, bananas, proteine
powder, green juice and almond milk while journalling. After that, I will go
back to work.
4) The benefits of the Miracle Morning routine
The Miracle Morning routine has numerous benefits. One of
the primary benefits is increased productivity. By starting the day with
a positive mindset and focusing on personal goals, individuals are more likely
to make progress toward those goals throughout the day. Additionally, the
routine can lead to improved health and fitness, reduced stress, and better overall
well-being. Many individuals have also reported feeling more
energized and motivated after implementing the Miracle Morning routine.
5) Conclusion
The most important thing I want you to remember is that incorporating exercise into your morning routine, as part of the Miracle Morning, not only improves your physical health but also boosts your willpower, setting a strong foundation for achieving your goals throughout the day. By incorporating each of these components into their morning routine, individuals can set the tone for a successful day and experience numerous benefits, such as increased productivity. Personalizing your morning routine and being patient is the key to maintain it.
6) Your next steps
1. 1. Miracle Morning app: Download the Miracle Morning app (10 seconds)
2. 2. Miracle Morning community: Join the Miracle Morning community on Facebook (10 seconds)
3. 3. Mornify app: Download Mornify and choose a song to wake up to (30 seconds)
4. 4. Alarm: Set your alarm for tomorrow using Mornify (10 seconds)
Try only the meditation tomorrow and afterwards,
you can build it further but you don’t have to rush it.
6. 5. Stay Connected: Click on this page on “about me” and hit the Pinterest button to don’t miss my further posts. (10 seconds)
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